Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm onto something, a train!

Austin's got some really important news for you.

1. Ringo Starr from a hard day's knight has the same face as stephen harper!!!!

2. i think this man is hot beacause he likes peace and showers, like me too!

3. Miche is also the smartest, funniest, most moral, politest, and richest girl in the entire history of gender! See for yourself sometime! Take her to a park, she likes that!

I'm going to turn this into a blog for boys


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Live, Laugh, Love

I live for the nights I'll never remember with the friends I'll never forget.

You're only as strong as the drinks you mix and the tables you dance on.


A Venerable Diseask

"Sweetpea, will Popeye be seriously maimed?"

Everyone in my Altman class was hatin' on Popeye big time, so I'll admit that I went into it kinda wanting to be contentious. And IMDB reviews give it a 4.9/10. But seriously, Popeye is good! Additionally, it's one of the few rare contexts in which I don't hate Robin Williams!


Miche $$



CLICK ON THE THING THAT SAYS "CORNIFY." It puts shit on the page. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Miche $$